Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital | Modular OT

Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT - Modular Operation Theater
Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT - Modular Operation Theater
Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT - Modular Operation Theater
Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT - Modular Operation Theater
Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT - Modular Operation Theater
Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT - Modular Operation Theater

What is Modular Operation Theatre (Modular OT):

What is Modular Operation Theater? A continuous flow of highly  clean bacteria free air is more circulated using the Air Handling Unit under positive pressure in the operating area by Ceiling Suspended Laminar Air Flow.  Modular operation theaters are operation theaters that are built inside a hospital with metal and glass ceilings and walls to provide the patient with the optimum position for the operation.

Modular operating theaters that meet those conditions have wall, ceiling, and slant panels, and are capable of containing not only electrical equipment, medical gas systems, and lighting gear, but all necessary functions and equipment if needed.

(Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital – Modular OT ) An Operation Theatre , also known as an Operating Room , is a specialized room in a hospital or clinic where surgical procedures are performed on patients. It is a sterile environment designed to minimize the risk of infection and maximize the safety of patients undergoing surgery. The OT is equipped with surgical instruments, anesthesia machines, monitors, and other equipment necessary for the procedure. 

The room is typically staffed by a team of healthcare professionals, including surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, and surgical technologists, who work together to ensure the best possible outcome for the patient. Before and after surgery, the room is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected to maintain its sterile environment.

A continuous flow of highly filtered ‘bacteria free’ air is recirculated using the Air Handling Unit under positive pressure in the operating area by Ceiling Suspended Laminar Air Flow. Maintaining temperature and humidity as per customer requirement and minimizing bacterial growth, as fastest bacterial death occurs at 40 – 50% RH.

Air pollutants generated during surgery are removed from the area using seamless wall panels or return air risers with anti-bacterial paint on the wall, which lasts for 9 – 10 years depending on usage.

How many types of Modular Operation Theatres are there?

There are several types of Modular Operation Theatres (MOTs), which are designed to meet different surgical requirements. Some of the common types of MOTs include:

General Surgery Modular Operation Theatre : These are designed for general surgical procedures, such as appendectomies, hernia repairs, and gallbladder removals.

Cardiac Surgery Modular Operation Theatre : These are designed for cardiac surgeries, such as bypass surgeries and valve replacements.

Orthopedic Modular Operation Theatre : These are designed for orthopedic surgeries, such as joint replacements and spinal surgeries.

Neurosurgical Modular Operation Theatre : These are designed for neurosurgical procedures, such as brain and spine surgeries.

Endoscopy Modular Operation Theatre : These are designed for endoscopic procedures, such as colonoscopies and gastroscopies.

Hybrid Modular Operation Theatre : These are designed for hybrid procedures, which involve a combination of surgical and interventional radiology techniques.

The specific features and equipment included in each type of Modular Operation Theatre may vary depending on the surgical procedures that are being performed. However, all MOTs are designed to provide a sterile environment to minimize the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of patients and healthcare professionals.

What is Conventional Operation Theatre?

A Conventional Operation Theatre (OT) is a traditional surgical facility that is not modular in nature. It is a fixed room within a hospital or other medical facility that is dedicated to surgical procedures.

The design and layout of a conventional OT is typically based on established guidelines for infection control, safety, and efficiency.

A conventional OT is equipped with specialized medical equipment to support surgical procedures, such as surgical lights, anesthesia machines, and monitoring systems. It also includes features such as air filtration systems and positive pressure ventilation to maintain a sterile environment and reduce the risk of infection.

Unlike modular operation theatres, which can be easily reconfigured or relocated, a conventional OT is a permanent fixture within a hospital or medical facility. This can make it less flexible and adaptable to changing surgical requirements.

However, conventional OTs may be preferred in some situations where surgical procedures are highly specialized and require specialized equipment, or where the volume of surgical procedures is too high for modular facilities to keep up with demand.

In summary, a conventional OT is a fixed surgical facility that is equipped with specialized medical equipment and designed to provide a sterile environment for surgical procedures.

What is the difference between Modular Operation Theatre and Conventional Operation Theatre?

The main difference between a Modular Operation Theatre (MOT) and a Conventional Operation Theatre (OT) is the construction and design of the facilities.

MOTs are built using modular construction techniques, which means that they are made up of pre-fabricated components that can be easily assembled and disassembled. This allows for greater flexibility in terms of layout and configuration, as well as faster construction times.

Modular Operation Theatre can also be easily relocated or expanded as surgical needs change. Additionally, MOTs are designed with infection control in mind, with features such as air filtration systems and positive pressure ventilation to maintain a sterile environment.

Conversely, Conventional OTs are permanent fixtures within a hospital or medical facility, and are built using traditional construction methods. They are designed to meet established guidelines for infection control, safety, and efficiency, and are equipped with specialized medical equipment to support surgical procedures.

However, Conventional OTs are less flexible and adaptable to changing surgical requirements, and construction times may be longer than with modular operation theatre.

In terms of cost, MOTs may be more cost-effective over the long term, as they can be reconfigured or expanded as surgical needs change, and can be relocated if necessary. Conventional OT, on the other hand, may require more initial investment, but may be preferred in situations where surgical procedures are highly specialized or the volume of surgical procedures is high.

Overall, the choice between a modular operation theatre and a Conventional operation theatre will depend on the specific needs of the hospital or medical facility, as well as the surgical requirements of the procedures being performed.

Difference Between Modular Operation Theatre And Conventional Operation Theatre?
Modular OT

The modular operation theater uses a mixture of fresh air and recycled air.

Each modular OT has a separate air conditioning system.

Laminar Air flow system.

Anti-static flooring is an absolute requirement.

Energy efficient up to 60% by using Recycled air.

Designed using 3D software’s as per international and National standards.

It is temperature and humidity controlled and is localized in each modular operation theatre.

Manufactured by a team of professionals who understand the mechanics of Operation Theatre.

Contains standardized instrument and Equipment. Quality control is easy.

Conventional OT

Uses 100% Fresh air.

Uses a central air conditioning system.

Flow of air involves eddy currents.

May not have anti-static flooring.

Not energy efficient.

Designed using simple 2D CAD Design.

Due to centralized AC system localized temperature control is quite difficulty.                                   

Hospitals are manufactured by multiple vendors at the time of construction, so control becomes quite difficult.

Quality control is hard enough when multiple vendors are used.

What is the use of Modular Operation Theatre (Modular OT):

Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) are increasingly being used in hospitals and clinics as they offer several advantages over traditional or fixed Operation Theatres. The use of modular construction techniques allows for greater flexibility in the design and layout of the OT, which can be customized to suit the specific needs of the hospital or clinic. 

Here are some of the benefits of using Modular Operation Theatres:

  • Faster installation: Modular OT can be installed much faster than traditional ones, which can take several months to construct. The modular components are pre-fabricated off-site and can be assembled quickly on-site, reducing the overall construction time.
  • Improved infection control: Modular OT are designed with a focus on infection control, with features like laminar airflow systems, HEPA filters, and antimicrobial surfaces, which reduce the risk of infections.
  • Customizable design: Modular OT can be designed to accommodate different surgical specialties, such as orthopedics, neurosurgery, or cardiac surgery. The layout and equipment can be customized to suit the specific needs of the hospital or clinic.
  • Flexibility: Modular OT are portable and can be relocated to different parts of the hospital or even to different hospitals as per the demand. They can also be expanded or downsized easily to accommodate changes in the hospital’s surgical needs.
  • Cost-effective: Modular OT are generally more cost-effective than traditional ones, as the pre-fabricated components are less expensive than on-site construction. They also require less maintenance and repairs as they are designed for durability and easy cleaning.

Why is there a need for modular operation theatres? :

There are several reasons why Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) are becoming increasingly popular in hospitals and clinics:

  • Flexibility: One of the primary reasons for using Modular operation theatre is their flexibility. Hospitals and clinics often have changing surgical needs and may require additional or different types of operating rooms to accommodate these needs. Modular operation theatres can be easily expanded or reconfigured to meet these changing needs.
  • Speed of construction: Traditional operating rooms can take several months to construct, which can cause delays in providing essential medical services to patients. In contrast, Modular operation theatres can be installed much faster, as the modular components are pre-fabricated off-site and can be assembled quickly on-site.
  • Infection control: Modular operation theatre are designed with a focus on infection control, with features like laminar airflow systems, HEPA filters, and antimicrobial surfaces. This reduces the risk of infections and helps to ensure a safe environment for patients and staff.
  • Customization: Modular operation theatre can be customized to suit the specific needs of hospitals and clinics. They can be designed to accommodate different surgical specialties and layouts, ensuring that the operating room is optimized for the procedures being performed.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Modular operation theatre are generally more cost-effective than traditional operating rooms. The pre-fabricated components are less expensive than on-site construction, and they require less maintenance and repairs as they are designed for durability and easy cleaning.

Overall, the flexibility, speed of construction, infection control, customization, and cost-effectiveness of Modular Operation Theater make them an attractive option for hospitals and clinics that are looking to expand their surgical capabilities.

Best Modular Operation Theatre Manufacturing Company in India

What are the accessories of Modular Operation Theatres:

Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) are designed to be fully equipped with all the necessary accessories and equipment required for surgical procedures. Here are some of the accessories commonly found in Modular operation theatre:

  • Operating table: This is the primary piece of equipment in the operating room, and it is designed to support the patient during the surgical procedure.
  • Surgical lights: These provide bright, focused illumination of the surgical field, allowing the surgeon and surgical team to see clearly during the procedure.
  • Anesthesia machine: This is used to deliver and monitor the patient’s anesthesia during the surgery.
  • Ventilator: This is used to assist the patient’s breathing during and after the procedure if necessary.
  • Surgical instruments: These include a range of specialized tools and devices used by the surgeon to perform the procedure, such as scalpels, forceps, scissors, and retractors.
  • Sterilization equipment: This includes autoclaves and other equipment used to sterilize surgical instruments and other equipment before and after use.
  • Imaging equipment: This includes X-ray machines, CT scanners, and other imaging equipment that may be necessary for certain procedures.
  • Computer systems: These are used for electronic medical records, monitoring patient vitals, and other purposes.
  • Waste disposal equipment: This includes biohazard waste containers and other equipment used to safely dispose of surgical waste.
  • Storage cabinets and shelves: These are used to store surgical instruments, supplies, and other equipment.

Overall, Modular operation theatre are designed to be fully equipped with all the necessary accessories and equipment to ensure that surgical procedures can be performed safely and effectively.

How are modular operation theatres designed? :

Modular Operation Theatres (MOT) are designed using a modular construction approach, which involves pre-fabricating the components of the operating room off-site and then assembling them on-site. Here are the steps involved in designing a modular operation theater:

  • Needs assessment: The first step in designing a Modular Operation Theatre is to assess the hospital’s surgical needs. This involves determining the number of operating rooms required, the types of surgeries to be performed, and any special requirements for the operating room.
  • Design and layout: Once the surgical needs have been assessed, the Modular Operation Theatres is designed using computer-aided design software (CAD). The layout is optimized for the surgical procedures to be performed, with attention given to factors such as the placement of equipment, lighting, ventilation, and access to the room.
  • Component fabrication: The components of the Modular Operation Theatres are then fabricated off-site, typically in a factory. This includes the walls, ceiling, flooring, doors, windows, and other components of the operating room.
  • Shipping and installation: Once the components are fabricated, they are shipped to the hospital and assembled on-site. The components are typically designed to fit together easily, reducing the time and labor required for installation.
  • Electrical and mechanical installation: Once the components are assembled, the electrical and mechanical systems are installed. This includes wiring, plumbing, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
  • Finishing touches: Once the electrical and mechanical systems are installed, the MOT is finished with the final touches, such as painting, flooring, and installation of medical equipment.
  • Testing and certification: Before the Modular Operation Theatres can be used for surgical procedures, it must undergo testing and certification to ensure that it meets safety and quality standards.

Overall, the modular construction approach used in designing Modular Operation Theatres allows for greater flexibility, speed of construction, and customization, while still ensuring that the operating room is safe and effective for surgical procedures.

What is the essential component in a Modular Operation Theatre :

Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT

Modular Operation Theaters are designed to be fully equipped with all the necessary components and equipment required for surgical procedures. However, the essential component of a modular operation theater is the Operating Table.

The operating table is the primary piece of equipment in the operating room and is designed to support the patient during the surgical procedure. It must be adjustable to allow the surgeon to position the patient in the most optimal position for the procedure being performed.

The operating table must also be able to move in multiple directions, including up and down, side to side, and in a Trendelenburg or reverse Trendelenburg position, to allow the surgeon and surgical team to access the surgical site from different angles.

Additionally, the operating table should be compatible with various surgical accessories and equipment, such as surgical lights, imaging equipment, and anesthesia machines.

Modular Operation Theatre for Hospital - Modular OT

What is the Specifications of Modular Operation Theatre :

A Modular Operation Theater (Modular OAT) is optimally designed to meet the requirements of surgical procedures. The specifications of a modular operation theater can vary depending on the requirements of the hospital or healthcare facility, but here are some common features and specifications:

  • Modular Operation Theatre Size: Modular operation theaters are available in different sizes to accommodate different surgical procedures and equipment. The size of the operation theater is usually determined based on the type of surgeries that will be performed in it.
  • Walls and Ceilings: The walls and ceilings of modular operation theaters are made of materials that are easy to clean and disinfect. They are usually constructed of stainless steel or laminated panels that are resistant to moisture and bacteria. The walls and ceilings also feature a smooth finish to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt.
  • Flooring: The flooring of a modular operation theater must be non-slip, easy to clean, and resistant to bacterial growth. It is usually made of a seamless material such as vinyl or epoxy.
  • Lighting: Adequate lighting is critical in an operation theater. Modular operation theaters are equipped with high-intensity surgical lights that can be adjusted to provide the necessary illumination for different procedures.
  • HVAC System: A modular operation theater requires a specialized HVAC system that provides a controlled environment with positive pressure to prevent the entry of airborne contaminants. The HVAC system also maintains the temperature and humidity levels within the required range.
  • Electrical and Communication Systems: The operation theater must have a reliable electrical system to power the surgical equipment and lighting. It should also have a communication system that allows the surgical team to communicate with each other and with the outside world during the procedure.
  • Medical Gas Supply: A modular operation theater requires a medical gas supply system that provides the necessary gases such as oxygen, nitrogen, and compressed air for the surgical equipment and anesthesia.
  • Storage and Sterilization: The operation theater must have a storage area for surgical instruments and equipment, as well as a sterilization room for the sterilization and cleaning of surgical instruments.

These are some of the common specifications of a modular operation theater, but the specific requirements may vary depending on the type of surgeries that will be performed in it and the preferences of the hospital or healthcare facility.

What is the most advantage of Modular Operation Theatre :

There are several advantages of modular operation theatres, including:

  • Flexibility: Modular operation theatres are designed to be flexible and adaptable, which means they can be easily customized to suit the specific needs of different surgical procedures. The modular design also allows for easy expansion or reconfiguration of the operation theatre as needed.
  • Cost-Effective: Modular operation theatres are typically less expensive than traditional operation theatres because they are prefabricated offsite and can be quickly installed on site. This can result in lower construction costs and shorter construction timelines.
  • Ease of Maintenance: Modular operation theatres are designed with easy-to-clean surfaces, which helps to reduce the risk of contamination and infection. The modular design also makes it easier to replace or repair damaged components or equipment.
  • Improved Infection Control: Modular operation theatres are designed to meet strict infection control standards, which helps to reduce the risk of infections and complications during surgical procedures.
  • Energy Efficiency: Modular operation theatres are designed to be energy-efficient, which can help to reduce energy costs and minimize the environmental impact of the facility.

The most significant advantage of modular operation theatres is their flexibility and adaptability, which allows them to be customized to meet the specific needs of different surgical procedures. Additionally, they are cost-effective, easy to maintain, and designed to meet strict infection control standards.

What is the cost of a best (Modular OT) Modular Operation Theater in India? :

The cost of a modular operation theatre in India can vary widely depending on several factors, such as the size of the operation theatre, the type of equipment and technology used, the level of customization, and the location of the facility.

A basic modular operation theatre with standard features and equipment can cost anywhere between 14 lakhs to 30 lakhs Indian rupees (approximately 17500 to 37500 USD). However, the cost can increase significantly depending on the level of customization and the type of equipment and technology used.

For example, a ADVANCED MODULAR OPERATION with high-end equipment and technology such as laminar airflow systems, advanced lighting, and video integration systems can cost upwards of 18 lakhs to 50 lakhs Indian rupees (approximately 22500 to 62500 USD).

It is important to note that the cost of a modular operation theatre is just one component of the overall cost of setting up a surgical facility. Other costs such as construction, installation of medical gas pipelines, HVAC systems, electrical systems, and furniture and fixtures must also be taken into consideration. 

It is advisable to consult with a professional healthcare facility planner or architect to get a more accurate estimate of the cost of setting up a modular operation theatre in India.

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